‘Jee Children Hospital’ managed by Female Hospital, Palanpur offers round-the- clock services by fully trained Pediatrician backed by paramedical personnels. The performance and services to the community are clearly depicted in the following sections.
The department provides Outdoor (OPD) and Indoor (IPD) treatments to the pediatric (both infants and children) with following bed-mix and equipment, as:
Jee Children hospital has 5 bedded neonatal ICU which provides high quality of medical care to the new born babies who require extensive medical care. NICU is fully back by instruments, like Phototherapy (7), Multipara Monitor (3), Syringe Pump (4), Pulse Oxymeter (3), Dedicated Neonatal Ventilator (Druger Baby Log ) (1) and also Radiant Warmer (8).
Jee Children Hospital has its own project like Navjat Shishu Swastya Yojana & Free Vaccination Schemes.
Navjat Shishu Swasthya Yojana is a health schemes for new born. With a view to benefit infants born in this hospital, the above scheme has been employed from April 2007.
In this scheme all the infants born in this hospital are given treatment at half rates from the date of their birth to at age of 6 mohts. Donations are invitedfor implementation of this Yojana. Those contributing Rs. 2, 50, 000/- towards the scheme are listed as “Yearly Donors” and those giving Rs. 21,000/- are considered as “Monthly Donor” under the schemes.
Free Vaccination Programme include all the children irrespective of any cast, creed or paying capacity are given vaccine at free of cost all around the year. The scheme has been continued constantly from 1st April 2010, in view of its popularity and demand of the needy people. However it depends much on the compassion of donor. Those donors giving Rs. 1, 11, 000/- are treated as “Yearly Vaccine Donor” while those donate Rs. 11, 000/- are treated as “Monthly Vaccine Donor”
During last four years a total of 54982 children as OPD patients (Graph —I) and 4855 children as IPD patients (Graph —II) got benefited by the services
Statistics of vaccination (Graph —III) shows that every year average 4985 children are vaccinated in Jee children hospital at free of cost. This programme is run by the Palanpur female hospital trust through donation.